Why hello fellow jerks! I am so grateful for your choice in clicking on this post! After all, this is the first post that is coming straight from my… fingers. I am Sir Arthur James Sullivan Lancaster Jerkowitz II. But I go by, simply, Sir Jerkowitz. I am the mastermind behind all things jerk-like. If you think something is rude, or offensive, I undoubtedly thought of it first. I am your first point of contact from this point forward, to confide in with all of your curiosities in the world of being a jerk. In my new “Ask Sir Jerkowitz”, you will be able to ask me anything you need assistance with. Whether you need help being a jerk, or if you need help dealing with a jerk, I am here to mentor you.  Each and every week, I will offer one seemingly free tip to help you polish your slightly sadistic skills. I do not discriminate based on what you plan on doing with these skills. Electricity has no choice in what it powers, it only supplies the power. On that note, read on for my weekly tip.  (There will no longer be a preface to these posts)

Sir Jerkowitz says, “Be a jerk, not a bully”.

Why hello fellow jerks! Sir Jerkowitz here, and today I want to explain what it means to be a jerk. The term jerk, as I intend it, does not in anyway mean bully. To be a jerk to someone is not to intentionally cause that person torment, pain, harassment, or anything related to these. My definition of Jerk means to be a sarcastic, witty, and blunt person who is not afraid to speak his/her opinion. This person should respond in whatever fashion suits their fancy, to any topic of their choice, regardless of the social norms. Jerks should never be afraid to share their opinions, no matter what. If I see a person with an ugly face, I will not go and torment them with judgement on their ugly face. Instead, I will keep their ugly face in mind in the case of a situation where bringing up this person’s ugly face is relevant. However, if asked my opinion about the person’s ugly face, I would respond the person who asked me to provide such a bully-like judgement with a simple, “No uglier than your face.”

See that is not bullying.

That is quick witted defense.

Sir Jerkowitz

Need advice on being a Jerk? Submit any questions to the “Ask Sir Jerkowitz” section, and I will personally give you my own feedback on anything you so desire. Again, I can offer my tips, but I can not dictate what you decide to do with my teachings of Jerkology.